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Giving Opportunities

Donate Directly

Make all checks payable to St. John’s United Methodist Church. Use the note line at the bottom of the check to direct it to one of the funds.

Place cash or a check in the offering plate on Sunday morning, or mail the check to
St. John’s United Methodist Church
1200 Old Pecos Trail,Santa Fe, NM 87505

To donate online, use a credit card or PayPal. Use the drop-down menu to direct your donations to a specific cause.

Click the button below to donate online. 

General Operating fund supports worship, programs for children and youth, Bible studies, small groups, pastoral care and support, mission trips, community service, and building and operational needs.

At St. John’s, we recognize that everything we have comes from God.  Each year, we ask members to pledge for the coming year to support programs mentioned above.

Through your tithes and offerings, we can show our love for God and community and help people find hope in Jesus Christ.

Giving is an act of worship that expresses gratitude for God’s faithfulness. We asks you to thoughtfully and prayerfully plan your annual giving, tithing, or a one-time gift for a specific purpose.

General Operating Fund

Easy Giving

NOTE: Previous opportunities to give easily have all been cancelled, but Smith’s has created a new program; however, St. John’s is not yet available. We will let  you know when this is set up.

Smith’s Inspiring Donations will give St. John’s  0.5% of members’ eligible spending. 

Participating in the program requires you to link your Smith’s/Kroger’s credit card to St. John’s and use that card when you shop. 

This program does not affect fuel points or coupon discounts.

St. John's Foundation

St. John’s UMC Foundation is now  accepting applications for the second grant cycle in 2024. 

Grants may be awarded in the following areas:

  • Program & Education
  • Property Fund
  • Operation Fund
  • Outreach Fund

Grant applications are available in the church office, in the narthex during Sunday services or click here to to download an application form. 

Turn in completed applications to the church office or email it to the Foundation at

The deadline for submitting applications is 5 pm, Sunday, June 30th.

Bag 'N Hand Pantry

St. John’s Bag ’n Hand Pantry, one of the largest food pantries in northern New Mexico, weekly provides fresh produce and packaged food to the hungry in and around Santa Fe.

St. John’s congregation and Foundation,   the Santa Fe community, and multiple grants support this outreach mission.

A Thanksgiving campaign provide additional funds for the pantry to distribute a complete holiday meal that typicially includes a turkey or ham, potatoes, a vegetable, and an apple or pumpkin pie.

Pumpkin Patch

Since the early 1990s, St. John’s has been selling pumpkins to benefit church programs and then bag ‘N Hand Pantry.

The patch is a partnership between the for-profit Pumpkin Patch Fundraisers,Inc.

Navajos near Farmington, New Mexico raise the pumpkins for St. John’s annual event.

Those who buy pumpkins often leave a “tip” which goes directly to the church, which receives 40% of the pumpkin sales.